Monday, July 26, 2010


I have noticed more and more lately that people distinguish themselves by their diet (from Merriam-webster it's defined as; food or drink regularly provided or consumed of choice.) Sure I think it's great to be Vegan or Vegetarian or Flexitarian or what have you. (Just for the record, I have been all three and didn't think one was any better just a matter of physical needs for various seasons of life). None of them pose problems it's when it becomes the identifying factor of a person's life that it's an issue. I HATE (yes I used that word which is very rare) to see beautiful women become consumed by a particular diet. If it defines who you are and you feel lost without having this label than it's stealing your joy and who you are. I know this because I have done it and been there far longer than I would want anyone to have to endure.

We are made to be creative individuals, bringing glory to God and JOY to others through that. When we are so rigidly following guidelines and writing off certain situations or people because they don't fit into our little box plan we are not using that creativity and the potential God gifted us with. It is about priorities and if food is becoming a higher priority than those that rank higher well then somethings gotta give. Though I want to have it all (God (church),clean diet, running, yoga, strength, boyfriend, frie
nds, job, school) it is impossible to always have it all. I have learned that more than ever in the past two months and you know what I have finally accepted it and it feels REALLY GOOD. I have tapped into a JOY I had forgotten about because I'm not stressing and overwhelmed with doing too much and instead doing what really matters in the end.

It's as simple yet profound as prioritizing every task we do into what and who really matters the most. Sure it might just be a once a week missed dinner with friends or one hour less with a girlfriend on a Friday night for a run but that one hour may be just what was needed and they may have just the perfect words for a current struggle. It's all about weighing and balancing it out. God will continue to bless as we put what matters most first. For me it has meant, being on a schedule to allow time for what is important, somedays I
don't have time for exercise or making a healthy home cooked dinner that night and other times I have to say no to a social activity and have some me time during a nice long run but in the end it's all worth it and I never regret it because I did what I knew was the most important and beneficial to those around me.

So basically what I'm trying to say is never ever let the beauty and joy of food and life be stole by the evil of rigidity and guidelines made up by You and Me. Ultimately you are the decider of how, what and when you eat so you are your own gui
delines therefore you never fail therefore your JOY remains.

According to my favorite Bible, The New Living Translation (NLT) in James 1:2 it says; 2 Dear brothers and sisters,* when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. No matter what comes our way, we are capable of having joy and NOTHING can take that away.

Disclaimer: I am by no means perfect and I have been struggling with this which is why I am writing about it.

A quality eat I DEVOURED this weeked
PB & Tart FROYO w/ many unmentionables...

Love and Blessings!

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