It's not about having smaller this and bigger that, prettier those and brighter these. It's about embracing what we have been given. Sure we all have failures but let's not allow the world to shape what those aesthetic failures are. Let's deal with what we have been given and cherish that! We (at least I sure do!) have enough issues going on within myself why in the world bring on more stress and failure of what we perceive to be beautiful outside? It's a perpetual cycle of self destruction and I am sick of allowing a fable to run my emotions and relationships. Every single physical change I have changed and achieved does NOT magically make me feel beautiful. It's knowing the fact that nothing and everything will make me beautiful. Nothing the world can give me yet everything I already have. Yes, I have failures and yes I have a whole heck of a lotta junk in my heart I need to work through in order to make any impact in this world and keep solid relationships but I do not have aesthetic failures and I was made perfectly in his image. You might not think I'm pretty but I don't care. You might think I'm gorgeous and that's fine.
At the end of the day even when I'm doubting my self image, what assures me I am in fact beautiful is knowing there is not one single person who looks like me because he created ME PERFECTLY.
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
This post is seriously beautiful. oh my goodness. I KNOW God was smiling SO BIG at you when you wrote this. and not only you wrote this-but you MEAN this!! truly, from the bottom of your soul. this is amazing. you are unique and you are beautiful!