Friday, January 28, 2011

small world

It's far too often the times I think "we just don't get it''. As people across our own globe are praising God for living another day, we worry and stress about how we can get the next latest gadget and about the test we have this week. WHO FREAKIN CARES? Like honestly it's going to be fine. Work hard, do what you're supposed to and quit dwelling on it. There are issues for everyone, everywhere. Lets get off our pedestal and focus on the big picture.  Reality check; IT IS NOT ABOUT US. It is about sacrificially living and being willing to do what it takes to LOVE. Yea it hurts and yes you will have haters who can't accept that you go above and beyond what this world requires because you care more about how you appear and how you look to others.

    People will frazzle you and do what they can do de-rail you but the focus will remain the same whether we see it always or not. There will always be one purpose we are made to fulfill and how we get there is not the highlight of our life. We're going to end our lives at the same spot as if we stress about small, petty garbage or if we enjoy the journey and pick out what is important. It is SO UGLY when people lose their personality to their circumstances and I know this because I do it and look at myself asking "who am I? are my circumstances really dictating my life right now?" It'll be fine. There are people who have a lot of horrific things happening to them and they still seem to make it and even some with an outstanding attitude.

  I don't want my world to become so small all I see are things that I will never remember.
I want it to be so BIG even my largest problem is still tiny compared to most of the worlds.
I believe when we let go of our own worries and anxieties we are left with one emotion, JOY!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE WHAT YOU SAID about "its not about us" .. THAT IS SO TRUE love!! wow! we need to get over ourselves and let God come IN!!! love you!!!
