Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weekend and Wedding

Lastnight we went to a beautiful wedding not too far from home.  It was 100 degrees but super windy so that made it okay to be in for 60+ minutes. It was one of the bf's friends from highschool. It's weird because I think we've been to 6 or 7 weddings in the past 10 months but now I think our next one isn't until January or March. What to do?! Haha I think I forget that I'll be graduating in twelve weeks and starting a new career, moving, traveling, trying to find time to live, etc. 
It was super beautiful! 

My #1 guy and I. Haha caught him off guard.

    Hope anyone and everyone is having a blessed week and enjoying the nice, cool weather!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can't Stop, Won't Stop.

Ooofda! What a busy but great week. It frightens me how scary fast times goes. I used to cry over it but now I just realize that I'm doing what I have always wanted to do and to just suck every second dry for what it's worth. Even when I'm not exactly where I want to be I know that God has me exactly where I oughta be.  I'm finally not worrying about failure but instead using my God-given talents and abilities and owning my work. I did this absolute best highlight of my life this week and it is because I told myself I was going to trust my gut and not allow any instructor or doubt determine my results.

I need to get to sleep as I am not feeling 100% and have wedding escapades to attend this weekend. Life is too short to not savor every last minute. God is Good.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yep the week flew by and I have but a few brief moments before I've got to go to sleep! Went to a wedding on Monday, school and taking clients Tuesday-Thursday, the boyfriends family is in for the weekend, ate with them last night and spent the day at the resort they're residing.
Not taken by me as mine showed up too small but same place.
 Following the day poolside we went to persian food, which was my first time and I really enjoyed it! It was nice to just relax today, we both agreed it felt like we were on vacation just taking a few hours away from everything. Sometimes it's just taking a few hours that makes a world of difference in our lives! I'm looking forward to another laid back day tomorrow with church, house stuff and errands and of course laying by the pool.

   Lately I've just been really resting in peace that God has fully equipped me for whatever circumstance, person or sin I encounter. I sometimes think that I've gotten myself in too deep and I have to get out on my own or that I will never overcome certain repetitive sins. This week I was really feeling depleted and as if I had no way out but God reminded me that he has given me everything I need to follow him and rid my life of the junk. Praying about my situation and for strength in that area this week has given me a refreshed and renewed spirit that only Christ could give.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend = Mental Recharge.

     Holy Goodness am I ever thankful for the weekend! It was one of those weeks where I know I have to go to school and work but felt like a robot going through the motions. Sometimes I forget to give myself alone time. It's only after I feel insane and as if I'm not living in reality do I realize that I need to take a step back and just erase my slate for a few minutes. Major factors in my mental health are; lack of sleep, lack of running, disorganization, not giving God my anxieties and praying to him about them.

     On a bright note I did pretty well with retail this week and was pretty busy! I learned that confidence=sales.

 After a grad party last night, a grad party today, Starbucks, Mediterranean food, Gelato, a movie and laundry I'm ready for some shut-eye so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed for church/R & R tomorrow! Here's a quick photo of a sweet friend I've gained this year from school. This is after our thermal straightening project.

Never a dull moment with us!

 'In this life it doesnt matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumsised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.' - Colossians 3:11

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Matters

 Hello! Today was the first day back to school of the week. I found out I'm right on track to graduate and did Quota's all day on the salon floor and of course ended my day with the gym. I think I'd be an insane person if I didn't go for a run and pump some iron. It's my alone time.

Lately I've been learning how so many great things will throw themselves at you and the natural inclination is to freely go for it. "I mean of course I have to take this oppurtunity, it's a once in a lifetime chance, it's something I've always wanted to do"... It's funny to even think of taking a second thought when someone gives me an oppurtunity that most people would laugh at ever passing up but then my heart tells me that I don't live by the standards of others but by what matters in the end and that is God's plan for my life.

I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. 3 In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. -Colossians 2:2-3

Monday, May 9, 2011

Some visual aids

 Good Evening! So I am 6 minutes past bedtime ladies and gents but HAD to share a few photos!

Damien Carney with Sara on the left and me on right!

Okay she had REALLY long hair! It was fun!

Well I can't wait to write more tomorrow and put up more pictures. I'm enjoying being back at it blogging.
    Today I was just really hit with a realization that gave me peace.   

I'm just a small town girl. I still have my same humble roots, values and live for the simple pleasures like going outside and running through the woods or getting muddy. I'm just living out life with new people and pursueing my BIG dreams. God is still GOOD and that'll never change.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Doings and Happenings

WOW! I made it through the day. Sometimes I wonder how I do it. It's like I somehow manage to step by step, word by word make it through the day.  I'll be honest and admit every morning I lay in my bed and pray "God give me the energy you need me to have today to accomplish your plans." I didn't start praying this until the past 8 months. It's exactly what I wanted my life to be but 70 hour weeks can take a toll on anyone. Today, Sunday is usually my one day off but I was given the oppurtunity to assist Damien Carney, who is a top cutter for Joico, which is the color line we use at our school and the salon where the event is taking place, Dre's Salon. Holy Moly I have never met a more warm, welcoming, talented individual in my life. I learned SO much and really got to see what it is to be in this industry working hard. He was very friendly and so was Dre, the owner of the salon. I learned so much from both of them and will never forget the experience. I'm ready to take on this path ahead of me!

This weekend we went to the Art Museum, a mongolian grill and lastnight to a locally owned, Mexican restaurant and made dinner tonight.

I'm really learning to just let go of what I expect and instead take what I've been given. God obviously knows what I need and so when I feel let down by my circumstances it is because I've set up my own expectations.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Welp it's been a few days but I have been learning a lot and of course blogging takes last priority in life and since time is very scarce these days I just gotta do what I can. I have 7 mintues to blog everything I want and here she goes.

Lately I've noticed a common trend; FEAR. People fearing their performance in their job (i.e. a clients hair), on the road, being late, body issues and the list goes on and on. I am the last one to be exempt from this. I, many times a day have to tell myself that "EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY, GOD IS IN CONTROL" and even for those who don't believe in Jesus Christ, I imagine they believe their is some greater force holding it all together? So no one really has the okay to worry. There's yet to be an instance where worry has created a beautiful picture. I for instance turn into an a Queen Bee when I stress. I read a verse that I needed more than anything the other night it read ' 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. -Phillipians 4:6. It's what the heck have I been doing lately? Defnitely NOT praying to God, the very person who can help me most. I just want to grab all these worried souls and give them a huge hug telling them "It's going to be OKAY." Fear not. God will NEVER EVER let YOU down.

Hair news. Tomorrow I am assisting Damien Carney with another girl from my school at a local salon!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Well i have 3 minutes so it's going to be snappy. Today I learned how to do a 'faux Bob' by Bumble and Bumble. Found out i'm graduating august 26. WOOHOO. I also learned how down I get when I don't have clients all day. I'm just kind of going through this phase where I'm not really sure how I'm getting to where I'm going but I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. My main word lately is: FOCUS. It's so easy to get caught up in what lies ahead instead of enjoying each and every moment what it has to bring, along with the trials we are currently enduring- they are making us grow into more beautiful vessels and I know God's plan will never fail my hopes. He always blows me away.

Good night world.  Love to you all.