Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Name, New Game

Hello Y'all!
  I've been brainstorming and today I decided I need to revamp and focus more on what is rocking my world right now and giving me JOY to the utmost or should I say what I have been blessed to be able to do, HAIR, beauty and all that are involved in that realm of my life. I started Cosmetology school in September 2010 and I currently about one-fifth of the way completed, but feel like I have been doing it for years and couldn't be happier! I feel selfish keeping all that I'm learning and all that is going on to myself so I am making a promise to myself and anyone who reads this that I will update, post pictures and quirky little moments, facts I learn on here! Not only have I learned cosmetology, beauty industry, Bumble and Bumble PK (product knowledge) but I have learned more than ever about communication, myself, how people react and interact and how to suck it up and get through the hard stuff. I can say I could not have done this without first and foremost, God and his constant blessings and peace, my mother who has encouraged and supported me all the while, my boyfriend who keeps me focused and encourages me, my beautiful sisters (you know who you are) who keep me on my toes and understand that I am not neglecting our friendships but have a purpose and goal to fulfill and everyone else who are the reason I am going into this field, to serve them and bring joy and hope to their lives.

I will be updating this with my first real post shortly and can't wait to get back into this!

Love you all!

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