Monday, November 22, 2010


Alright here's one straight from the heart. We have our bodies for the rest of our lives and we are blessed to be on this Earth with them. I personally and I feel as though it's a common theme throughout our society and age group to forget that our bodies are more than just physical appeal and actually require time and work so we are the most beneficial here on Earth. Lately with being on my feet for 12-14 hours a day I will forget to eat or drink water, and load up on the coffee. It's actually really selfish for us (women especially do this) to forget of purposefully not eat. We can't expect to serve anyone, let alone be a good daughter, mother, worker, friend if we can't even take care of the very thing that allows us to serve others.

IT IS MORE THAN JUST AN OBJECT OF BEAUTY. It is a gift from GOD to be used to further his kingdom and show others LOVE. Where have we lost sight of that? Maybe somewhere between media shoving films with skinny girls eating junk as their primary source of fuel and magazines telling us how many calories to eat. EXCUSE me but there is not a single person who requires the exact same requirements nutritionally or physically. There are people COUNTING on YOU. Don't do it to your body, don't ruin it day by day, little by little eating away at it.

This is coming from a heart that finally realized the implications of my actions tonight. I FORGOT to eat at work and my blood sugar was so low I was dilusional and couldn't even function. It struck me how my actions are selfish. Ok sure, maybe I forgot to eat but what if my body just forgot to start working one day?  I'd be devastated.  I was blessed with a body and I need to treat it like I care.

It's time to live beautifully, caring for our bodies and those who we will love and care for with them!

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